For busy women who juggle it all

Discover how to supercharge the impact of yoga on your life – no matter how busy you are

A practical online programme

Learn how to integrate impactful, transformative yoga practices into your life, without needing to free up loads of time.


Is this you?

  • You want to use yoga to help you reduce overwhelm and increase energy – but you don’t know where to start, and you don’t feel like you have the time
  • You long to claim some time and space for yourself – but it feels impossible
  • Life feels like a constant juggle, and you feel pulled in a million directions
  • You are emotionally and physically exhausted
  • You’re too worried about upsetting or disappointing others to tell them what YOU need

If the answer to any of the above is “yes”, this self-paced online course is for you.


Over 5 modules, I'll share a range of powerful yoga practices with you, and show you how to apply these practices in ways that will help you to:

  • Claim more space for yourself – and establish healthy boundaries with those around you
  • Gain more headspace – and move beyond overwhelm
  • Prioritise your own needs – and live more authentically
  • Connect more healthily with others – and let go of resentment and impatience

So that you can start to CLAIM MORE SPACE in your own life.


I want you to know that, as a busy, plate-spinning, people-pleasing woman myself – I get it. I SEE you. In Make Space for Yoga, I will share the yoga practices (the WHAT) and approaches (the HOW) that have helped me to find and claim more space in my own life:


  • Yoga concepts
  • Physical yoga practice
  • Breathwork
  • Meditation

The HOW:

  • A framework for your practice that will supercharge the impact yoga has on your life and your capacity to find and claim more space.

So if you’re ready to use your yoga practice to create and claim more space for YOU, you’re in the right place.


Here's what you'll get when you sign up for Make Space for Yoga:

  • 5 x recorded video sessions with me
  • A wealth of support content to really help you integrate and boost the VALUE of each practice in helping you create more SPACE for yourself
  • Unlimited access to all content from the moment of purchase, for 60 days

That's 60 days of unlimited access to QUALITY content as I guide and support you in claiming more SPACE in your own life.

All for just £25.